Creative writing: Safer

"No, I said we were safer, not safe."
The beads of sweat that had pooled on his forehead began to stream down the sides of his face and drip to his chest. His breaths are deep and steady to keep quite and we are almost in sink. Only I am having more trouble keeping mine steady and each exhale comes out shaky. The heat is sticky and makes me uncomfortable but the trees that tower above us provide enough shade from the sun.
Our backs are pressed against the coolness of this boulder, as we listen for footsteps to approach. The dampness from the icy streams soaking into our clothes is refreshing to me. I close my eyes and tilt my head back onto the rock letting the icy water absorb in my hair too. I let my head roll to the left and look down into the small river leading into a cave. The sunlight glimmers off the water as it makes waves moving down the small path, letting me see small parts of the cave wall.
I roll my head back to him and hes looking down into the cave too. His full lips come to a smile as his blue eyes move to mine. We've been running for a couple days now and his beard is filling out, matching his brown hair that he has kept short for as long as I've known him. My frame is small in comparison to him beside me. My arms are completely flat beside me and his is hand holding my wrist, making sure not to lose me if we have to take off running again. Our bodies are tired but too tense to ease into relaxation, for even a brief moment.
A slight breeze makes my blonde hair blow towards him and he reaches out to tuck it behind my ear. He shifts his eyes back to the cave, squinting them. I still hear nothing but the water dripping around us and I don't want to move in case they are listening for us. I remember the day that James came running to me and told me to trust him and to remember when he put his hand in mine just to run and he wouldn't let me go. He has been my best friend growing up and there hasn't been a time that he hasn't been there to protect me. I have no idea why these guys in the white suits are after us. He only says he has heard rumors so scary that he refuses to tell me.
James stands up, pulling me to my feet without any effort. I barely come to the top of his chest, as I tip my head back to look up to his face, questioning our next move. He puts his finger up to his lip to remind me to keep quiet and not move. He slowly moves around the rock to check for movement. He grabs my hand, leading me towards the cave, pointing down to spots that he is stepping on. I watch carefully, mimicking the best I can without much noise.
The cave is much cooler and almost instantly gives my body a chill.  It is very dim and the light that was allowing me to see the cave wall is all that is entering. I slide my back against the wall watching the shadow of the water glide past us. James sits down beside me and I can feel him staring at me. I pull my knees up to my chest and let out a small sigh.
"Are we still safer?" I spoke to my knees, making my voice smaller.
"Anna." he leans in closer to me, putting his head on my shoulder. "Yeah, I think we're safer in here than out there."
I can tell he's tired, his voice sounds tired. Not as in he needs to go to sleep but more he is exhausted from running from people for no reason. I feel like he wants to give up but he's to scared of them so he keeps running.
We sat there listening to the birds sing lullabies to the world as the sun disappeared. The moon faintly shines down on the water letting us know it was watching over us. All that surrounded us was the crickets chirping and darkness. The water that had kept my attention most of the day also seems to have gotten quieter, like it had stopped moving. I haven't heard James move since we laid down so I put my arm out in the darkness to feel his face. His beard is rough against my hand and I can feel him give a short lived smile before resting his face again. Just like the earth had drifted away to night, I drifted away to sleep. Slowly then Completely.
The light burned my eyes. I feel like I'm spinning and falling, I don't exactly comprehend what is going on until I hear James grunt in pain. My eyes flash open and they have him pinned down on his stomach. He's fighting with everything in him to get free from the men in the white suits. I gasp and jolt up as they place the brown cloth bag over his head. Before I can even get the lower half of my body up from the dirt floor, the pain echos through body.
I fall forward, drawing in a breath so deep that my lungs feel caked with mud. There are men scrambling to get me contained now. A hand presses hard down between my shoulder blades bringing my arms up behind me and i wince, unable to hold back the tears that are making trails down my cheeks. They roll my to my back, leaving me laying where I am. I still hear him fighting, trying to break free with everything in him, trying to make his way to me. I roll my head back so I can see him. All I see is them breaking him down, making him weaker by the second.
I look back up and there is one leaning down close to me. His presence sends a shock through my body and I'm shaking, I'm already losing my focus. He stares at me for what feels like an eternity, never removing his helmet. He lifts his hands up and releases a hatch. Air hisses from around his helmet and clicks free from his suit. He smells of death and my breathing becomes just as unsteady as my trembling body. My eyes follow his helmet as he sits it right beside my head. My eyes shift to his which are now right in front of my face. The hollowness drags something from inside me in them and I can feel a piece of me being lost. He laughs as his eyes glow a deep blood red. I am no longer safe and I can no longer fight. A scream that scares me races from my mouth and echoes in the cave erasing everything that I know, only leaving blackness.

I struggled with this; I wanted to make it a lot longer but with the creative writing posts that I am going to do here, I'm going to try and keep them relatively short. I had a lot more that I cut out of it and I'm sure as you read stories that I write you'll learn that I really love details. I want to work on not having as much detail but having an interesting story as well. I'll progress as I go along, that's the purpose of writing. I hope that it was at least semi entertaining!


  1. Great reading! Would love to know "the rest of the story"!


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