
Ever had one of those days were you knew that you were going to get mad and once you did everything just spiraled out of control? There are things that we can't avoid and I had to encounter one of those things today and it just started me in an awful mood. Which, of course, that domino-ed into a worse mood.
Days like this make me want to leave and find a new quite little town to start over in. I wonder how many people actually hit that phase and just leave and do it. They are so done with the crap that they have to put up with, they're just gone the next day.
How many things actually have to fall down on you to make you leave what you have and go on to find better things for your self? I occasionally ask myself if I am any where close to that breaking point or if I will wake up again tomorrow and keep on going with the same garbage that life is dragging me through. Actually, is it even life because the responses I get from some people make me question if it isn't just the people that I need to go ahead and weed out of my life.
I'm sure more dominoes will topple over and I will go on about things the same way that I normally do. Man, do I wish I could air my dirty laundry...maybe another time. There is no need for the vulgar words today.


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