Hey, Y'all

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while. Not for any real reason; I suppose, mostly, I love keeping journals and writing. I want a way to put my voice out there creatively and give myself someone to talk to. Whether or not any one is actually listening. I'm hoping some are. Life throws crazy things at us and I feel like it would help me improve on myself in many ways by having a blog space.
I will start off by mentioning a few things about myself. I have a little boy who is in elementary school. He keeps me running and completely out of energy but I am not sure where my life would be without him. I have a huge family; I am talking bigger than the Kardashians. I have two birth sisters, two step brothers, two step sisters, and a nephew that is being completely raised as if he were my birth brother. Most of us are pretty close but with all families there is some tension and breakage. It is sad but it also helps you learn and work from the place you once were.
My baby sister is the one that I am the closest with. It is weird to think that out of everyone in your entire family the person that you would have the closest relationship with is someone that you have almost a 10 year gap with. My family is weird and out there and does not hesitate to embarrass you the moment that they get the chance but its what keeps me grounded in the world. It's probably taught me never to take things to seriously, always make sure that you laugh until it hurts, and most importantly always be on your guard when you are in the lingerie section with your Uncle.
I spend my time running from soccer games to goat and horse shows with my little boy. It's kind of a odd thing to do and something that you don't exactly plan on doing when you are "planning" your life as a child. Somehow, we all think that we are going to be famous housewives that get paid to look beautiful to sit at home and never worry about anything, yet each of us still had this dream that we wanted to achieve as well. Some kids dreamed of becoming doctors and saving thousands, others dreamed of going to space, I dreamed of becoming a writer. (Obviously on the side of my luxurious life being a beautiful, paid stay at home mommy while my husband was out saving the world!)
I decided that I wanted to become a writer in second grade when my assistant teacher started having us write made up stories to improve our vocabulary. Each day that you wrote a new story you got to get a treat out of the candy bowl. It was total bribery but I remember when it hit me that this was what I wanted to do. It was like she unlocked this whole new world that I could hide in and only let who I wanted to come in. I only wrote about puppies and cats back then but I have finally upgraded to people. When it comes to my writing, I'm extremely self judgmental. There is always something that can be improved. That's just how I have always seen everything in life and I have a hard time letting people read what I write without panicking and talking about how I can change it.
If you are curious about what else I do in my life, I spend some of my free time reviewing products and I'll probably talk about them here because hey, blog. What else you supposed to do?
I don't really know what else to say but I'm sure if you follow along with me, you'll find out more than you want to.


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