Retrospective Perspective

Retrospective: Looking back artistically at ones life work.
Perspective:  The state of one's ideas, the facts known to one/ a mental view

We all need to look back at our accomplishments and acknowledge the success and failure. The time it took to take each step that led us to where we are. The joy and sadness that carried us through time.

I am not anywhere close to where I want to be with my life achievements. I doubt many of us really are. I know that I still have a lot of struggling to do so I can get where I want to be. I also know that I have to let go a little more too. You know that picture that shows the hand holding on to the rope as tight as it can and it is literally hurting it, so it lets go. Sometimes I feel like, in some part of my life, I am struggling like that. It can vary from day to day but I am never brave enough to let go. My rope has gotten so long that I can't even see what is on the other side anymore. I just look out and there is a rope pulled tight and nothingness.
Am I fighting against myself at this point? I don't really know. Sometimes I can feel the rope slipping and i get right to the verge of letting go and then I think about that mysteriousness on the other side. How will it know if I let go? Will it get hurt because it can't see me either or can it see me? I think the rope holds too many questions for me to let go of completely.

I can't tell you how long my best friend and I sat here at my desk. Discussing our schedules, working on projects, watching hilarious videos. I am extremely grateful for her and it goes beyond the few reasons that I will mention. Not only does she influence me creatively and help me release my energy in what I am doing but she is one thousand percent supportive. You typically won't find someone that pushes you to go after what you want as hard as she does. Even when she hates the way that I am going about things, don't get me wrong she lets me know that she doesn't approve, but still is eager to help give me directions in the way that she thinks I should be doing something.
This also goes hand in hand with my emotions. She knows me to a point that she pushes me to go after what she knows makes me happy and tries to cheer me up when I am down. Just a side note for you reading this, I am a complete loner when I am sad. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, and please stop breathing my air. Yes, do the figuration on how she cheers me up when I am down because it involves a bucket of sprinkles, sad movies, and lots of hiking and walking.
Trying to be around me is a roller coaster ride. I honestly wouldn't hang out with me. I'm ridiculously goofy and laugh loud when I am in a good mood which requires uncontrollable hopping, skipping, and dancing. When I am angry, I think I am in control of my emotions but usually if someone tries to talk to me I end up even more upset and cry- scream.. Yes, that is as scary as it sounds. When I'm content, I'm really just chill and mellow. Pretty quite and have nothing to say most of the time.
How did I get off topic and talking about my emotions?
Anywho, we did this thing for our friendiversary a few years back. We both got a small notebook and filled it with our favorite memories that we had with each other. There were pictures but most of them were drawn by hand because, you know, you don't have time to stop and take pictures. I am a pro at drawing stick figures. I'm just going to put that out there. You need a stick man drawn? Come to me, I am the one you need. Although my best friend is the best artist I know.
Not just in drawing but in all mediums that she goes up against. My favorite is watching her paint. She gets so into it and you can see her pouring her thoughts out with it. She is a true skeptic of herself and her artwork though. All artists are I think. I can envision Edvard Munch or Van Gogh looking at their art work like I can't show anyone this, this doesn't even look realistic.
That's the great thing about art, people tend to over look what's there.  Imperfections make it unique and there isn't any other thing in the world that could replicate it. The art is supposed to move you and make you feel something. I can look at The Old Guitarist and get something completely different than anyone. I already know my best friend and I see different things in art and it influences us in different ways. Wanna know what I see when I look at The Old Guitarist? I see someone that is so in love with their dreams that they have pursued and chased them until it made them ragged. He tired and he is beaten down but he is still going. Each piece of art makes every single person see something different and feel something different. Art is something that we don't appreciate enough of.

This year, for my resolution, I decided and have be working on finding who I am as an individual. This is a hard journey. I'm still don't even know what my favorite food is... I have been shoving my self in situations that I am not comfortable in. I can not stand being blocked in a room by a human barricade. ( This is not what it sound like. We had gone out to a Chinese buffet and it got crowded and people were standing in the aisle next to our table, which blocked me in, so I panicked.) I don't like trying new things at all but this one has been pretty easy to get over. You just do it and go on with yourself. I'm scared of heights and of course I'm riding escalators and scary things. I still hold my breath and count when I get on an elevator. If you see someone like that, it's probably me. I want to conquer my fears so I can literally say that nothing can hold me back.
The positive to this has been I've had her there talking me through, poking fun of me to help loosen me up some and giving me advice to calm down. The scooting back in off of panic is the hardest part of the whole thing. It's not a quick process and I hope that I haven't been too much of a downer. We are identical in some things and polar opposites in others. She is a thrill seeker, trying to keep up is scary. I'm sure I push her wherever she isn't comfortable but she just seemed to roll with it a lot better than I do.
Looking back at our lives and thinking about all the crazy things that we have done, I don't think I would had ever stepped out this far in my life. I think my life would had gone in a completely different direction. I wouldn't attempt to do things that I do now. From a retrospective perspective, the impact she has left on my life has been good and balanced me out.


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