
I am so exhausted and the week has literally just started.

I want to rush through and get everything done but I'm just sitting here listening to music zoning out, thinking about choreography to go with it. I made my to do list and checked my emails. That's as far as we have gotten today and I'm hitting 3 hours in front of the computer. Well, that's a lie. I have gotten more done than that. I don't want to look back at this and think how lazy I am. I had to do a ton of research and sent that off. I have 4 things marked off my list, self. I'm doing alright, today. I just feel slow and tired.
I feel like I have more going on than normal but I actually think I have less this week. I usually have a few soccer games during the week and there is only one this week. Of course, I have snacks so that might be throwing me. I will be buying food for all the babies. The day before that I have a field trip with the class to the creation museum. It might be weighing on me that I am going to forget since I usually do snacks the day before. I should make the bags a few days before so it isn't bothering me so much.
I need to check out the stuff that I was sent last week too. I haven't really looked at it all. Hopefully I'll get that done by tonight or tomorrow. Soccer practice tonight and shots tomorrow. Then it's pretty free. I need to do my painting some time. But I don't see that getting done this week. I suppose I'll work on vacation things and normal house cleaning. Actually, this might be a good week to get my car stuff done. Assuming they can get it done in the time frame I need my car back in.
I also have this guy that promised to take me to dinner a long time ago saying he's ready to this week. That I need to get out of my routine and he needs to get out of his so it should happen. I mean, sometimes I think I should get out of my routine but out of the couple days I don't have the kiddo. I am still trying to get things done or I sleep and wait for love to come back to me. I don't think I am ready to break routine. Is this weird? As stressed and tired as I am, stepping out of routine feels wrong. Love needs to be right there beside me, like he is everyday, being sassy and giving me grey hair.
I feel like the more I think about it the more I refuse to date. I keep raising standards. I'm not sure if it is fair but I do what I want to do. I can be the princess locked in the castle. Y'all just gonna have to figure out how to get to me. I can't say that it is going to be easy. So good luck.
Any who
I guess we will see how much I get done this week without having much going on. Eventually I'll post my to do list so you can see what I got going on and why I stay so busy with myself. Maybe at the end of the week I post it and show what I got completed. That seems like a fair trade.


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