What's in my Bag?

Let's play the game of what's in my bag. This should be interesting considering that I throw everything in my purse without even thinking about it. I can't even imagine how much trash is tucked away in my purse from being on the run with the kiddo. I guess we should just jump right on it now and see what discoveries there are waiting to be found.

  • The first thing that I pull out of my bag is a writing journal. I use it whenever I have any kind of thought that I want to keep or come across something that is poetic that I've said and want to use in some of my writing.
  • Next, that is pulled out, is my grocery list from last week that I never took out and just tucked in when I was done checking everything off. It is completely organized by different sections like produce and dairy.
  • I pulled out an empty notebook. I saw it and bought it cause it's a good size for my bag but I haven't used it yet. I don't know if it will be a specific notebook or just one that has everything and it's brother written down in it. 
  • I have a travel pack of tissues. I have crazy allergies...and a 6 year old. It's necessary; Trust me.
  • My checkbook is next. It is pink with silver zebra stripes that are reflective and in the stripes is like a cheetah print. The way I am explaining this isn't really doing it justice. It is super adorable. I got it from a super sweet pharmacist when I worked in the pharmacy years ago. It makes me think of her all the time and I don't want to switch to another even though I have been using this one for years and years. Almost 5 years to be exact. It also holds my stamps which is handy.
  • EPIPEN. Uh, yeah. There are stingy things in the world and stingy things don't react well to my body soo, i prefer no death. Epipen is very crucial to my health or insane amount of benadryl. To give you an idea. When I get stung I take about 2-3 pills every 3-5 mins until the swelling stops. You can imagine and just fyi, I prefer the high dosage verses the epipen. I'm still scared of needles. 
  • Post it notes. Sometimes you just need them for reminders or even a little mischief.
  • A bouncy ball. Haha! I don't even know! It's purple and swirly.
  • A comb. Little dudes have to brush their hair sometimes too.
  • Hand sanitizer. I love hand gel. Like at an obsessive point. It's the pocketbac from bath and body works, Japanese cherry blossom. I'm using it now.  Why does this stuff smell so good? 
  • A little wallet. My kiddo uses it to keep his money in. He never uses his wallet. Money goes in it and comes out mine. 
  • Inhaler. Again, allergies are crazy. The kiddo has a mild asthma and it really flares up in season changes. I also was diagnosed asthma and have worked extremely hard to not be on an inhaler. My breathing has gone up dramatically but it still feels like I can't breathe when I'm running or when going up a lot of stairs. Hopefully I will be done with daily inhalers by next month and eventually the emergency one.
  •  Another pack of tissues
  • Glitter Gloss. There is nothing wrong with this. It's glitter! Who doesn't love glitter? Plus in a gloss form. Heck to the YES!
  • TMNT germx. Germ fighting ninjas make for a good day.
  • Another pack of post it notes
  • Classic Chapstick
  • A sparkle bag. No, it's not covered in sparkles sadly. It just says sparkle with faded lights in the background. It holds 1.15 cents. I'm rolling in change.
  • A hair tie.Essential
  • Pack of Orbit gum with one piece in it.
  • A tube of Chap Ice.
  • A single post it note with something written on it
  • Another bath and body works pocketbac hand sanitizer in the fragrance of  beautiful day. Yes, I just used it. Yes, it smells amazing!
  • A wet wipe from BDubbs
  • 5 sheets of loose paper with bits and pieces of stories on it. 
  • 7 cough drops
  • ...another travel pack of tissues
  • Tummy medicines
  • Ooppps another cough drop
  • Oh hey, another inhaler
  • 2 Propel water packets. Berry flavor of course, is anything else as good?
  • A fruit roll up. Yum!
  • 11 pens
  • 2 Pencils
  • I found another hand santizer. Its vanilla sugar. (Holy crap, it smells good.)
  • A painted rock. Yes, I apparently am carrying a rock in my purse. Thanks kid.
  • A lazer pointer
  • A mint from sonic
  • Oh, hey! There is another rock in the bottom of my purse.
  • Half of an Easter egg.
  • Burts Bees Lip Balm Vanilla Bean.
  • 5 little rippy bits of trash
  • A "love" keychain
  •  4 bobby pins
  • Oh hey, guess what? A germx pen. It's filled with cinnamin germx
  • 3 safety pins
  • An itsy teeny die
  • 2.60 in change just floating around in the bottom of my bag. It is now going into the sparkle bag.
  • A blue cheetah print bag. It's contents contain: 3 set of headphones, another die, a pin from the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and a small Darth Vader figure
  • Two tiny little knuckle fighters for Raphael action figure. 

There are so many random things. I can't even describe half of them being in there or why they are in there. Hope you all enjoyed this tid bit of completely useless information.


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