Dear Love

How did we make it here? There have been hurdles and valleys just to make it this far and we finally made it. We made it to each other. I'm glad that we never gave up and we continued to search for one another. It has been a long and some parts have been so grim.
There have been so many parts of my life where I have felt the need to just give up and drop the fairy tale love story. Time and time again I have tried to narrow down what I want and what I can even learn to accept. Each time has fallen through and given me doubt.
I have had doubt that I am not the right body shape and that I need to change it to make myself more appealing even though I feel comfortable as I am. I have had doubt that I am not beautiful enough and that if I just make the commitment to wake up every day and put on make up, I would be worthy of someone to look twice at me. I have doubted my personality and that if I kept to myself that I wouldn't make any one want to run from me because I'm "weird". I love being weird and different but not every one does. I have doubted that my work ethic draws anyone in because I want to do things my way and not by the flow of standard life.
I have doubted all self worthiness because I haven't found any one to stand by my side and be completely infatuated by me and me alone. To admire who I am as a woman and to crave every little thing that I have to give. To yearn for me just to be in their presence.
That was until you came along.
You have given me a new outlook on love. You have shown me that the fairy tales that I have loved and believed in for years are real because we are right here living them every second. You have reminded me that kisses on the forehead are one of the most passionate, sought after desires because you put all of you and your love behind that kiss. You have shown me that I have dreams that can be pursued and achieved because you stood there beside me, always. Even during the late night when I come apart and let all my fears sweep in and consume me, you are there fighting them away with your strong words and gentle heart.
You protect me from every thing that comes my way, refusing to let even the most vulgar words harm me.  You give me guidance when I struggle to find the correct path to get where I want to be. You give me security just by being by my side.
Your love protects me every day. It is your greatest strength and from such an amazing gift it helps me give so much more of my self.
Maybe I didn't know you at all from the beginning, maybe I've known you for years. None of that matters because I have you now and I know you now more than ever and I continue to discover new parts for me to love. There are new parts that I admire every day and there are parts that I am learning to love carefully.
Thank you for loving the parts that others felt were not worthy to love. Thank you for standing beside me in all circumstances. Thank you for being you.
I love you to the stars and moon. I love you forever. I love you beyond. I love you until after.


(In case any one is wondering this is just a letter to a future significant. No there is not one now and I can probably guess that there isn't going to be one for a little while. I know you can't tell but I am pretty picky. I still can hope though!)


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