Creative writing- Run

The lights have been flickering all day since I woke up. Something feels off today and I can't figure out what it is. Everything seems fine and as normal as any other day except for these lights. I woke up and started my day like the rest of the days by wandering sleepily to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I start the shower and take my time making sure that I wake up fully and climb out. I wring my hair out at the vanity and grab my toothbrush and begin brushing my teeth.
I walk out into my closet and get dressed for the day. Jeans and a light t-shirt, nothing going on except running some errands.
I walk down stairs and start the coffee machine. The hissing and popping let me know that it's working. I grab an apple and bite into it waiting for the coffee. I look out across the backyard and see the neighbors dog laying lazily in the sun and sleeping. The lights flicker longer this time and I decide that after coffee I will call and have someone come check it out to see what it going on.
The coffee pot sputters and hisses one last time before I grab my cup and fill it up. I sip on it as I walk through the hallway and stop at the closet to slip on my shoes. I grab my bag and take my cup back to the kitchen and sit it in the sink. I glance once more at the sky and see nothing but blue and puffy white clouds. A good day to go out and enjoy the weather.
I start my walk in the living room, looking at myself in the mirror over the fire place to make sure that I look decent before going out. The lights flash off and darkness engulfs the house. A few moments later the lights come back on with a humming sound. I'm still looking at the mirror and where I was looking at myself is a note with one run scribbled across it; Run. Goosebumps run across my body. Someone must be in my house but why would they leave a note that says this. My curiosity gets the best of my and I go over to examine the message.
I flip the note over and over in my hand. I can't figure out why anyone would leave this note or how they managed to move so fast. I turn around as I hear a rumbling coming from beneath my feet, then the bright flash of light blinds me. Something is burning my skin and I try to scream out but no sound comes from my throat. My body thumps against the ground and debris rolls across me. I can see flicking bits of fire all over where my house once stood. The breath is weakly leaving my lungs when I catch a glimpse of someone standing just beyond the debris. I recognize this person. It is me.
Sirens echo faintly in the background as everything goes black.


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