Scholarship Entry- Amanda

Hi Guys. This is Amanda and my sister said I could use her blog for my scholarship entry. I don't have a blog space of my own to put this. I hope that you all, who ever reads this, enjoys it!

I chose to answer question number 2 for my entry. The question is 'Why is having good "people" skills important and how do you use them?

I think that having good people skills is important because we interact with someone every single day. If we didn’t have the necessary people skills that we needed, communication would be near non-existent. We need someone to talk to when we have both good and bad moments. These people skills are very easy to develop and improve. Listening to someone who has had something that was amazing happen to them, lets them know that you encourage them. If something bad happened to them, they would want someone to listen to them spill their hearts out and have confidence that someone is there listening and concerned for them.
With most of our daily communications online, we must evolve our techniques. Instead of being able to read facial expression like we have for years, we have had to adapt to reading the tone of voice that a person uses. As our technology advances, we must learn to decipher messages sent to us to understand exactly how this person is feeling. Evolving to listen and understand a person helps us connect and grow a deeper and more personal relationship with those that we interact with.
 Along with being able to communicate with a person comes good problem solving. You must know how to understand what they are bringing to you so you can break it down and help them in the way that they need it. Problem solving is difficult when dealing with people skills. You need to assess the situation presented and make a decision based on the problem presented to the best of your abilities to help the person that has come forward to you seeking guidance.
Another great people skill to have is the willingness to work together and achieve the goal for the common good. There are some people that have a hard time working together with a group of people for a common purpose. Usually, these people are known to mentally need things a certain way or overseeing the group. When a person can push aside the desire to have things to their liking or wanting to monitor all projects going on, the project typically flows a little smoother and is able to reach a higher creative experience.
Beside the willingness to work with others, you should practice empathy. Empathy can help you reach others in a more personal way. I think empathy is what creates such a strong bond to those around us. We can understand the emotions that they are experiencing and relate, giving them a reason to come back to us and want to develop a closer relationship.
I use my people skills every day. When I go to work and interact with the public or when I am with my friends and family. It is important to me to reach a personal level with everyone that I interact with because you never really know what someone is going through until they open up to you. You could be the person that they are waiting to eagerly tell something to or you could be the person to brighten up a terrible day for someone. Having good people skills means that you use these qualities and mesh them together to create great people skills. I think having good people skills is important in everyday life and is a skill that can always be improved on. 


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