Q&A Monday- Change

"If I could change one thing in the world, it would be.."
I feel like I have already done a what I would change in the world but that's OK if I did because there is always things that need to change and as a person I hope that I evolve as the world evolves.
I think that I would change the types of hearts people carry around and help them open them and stop putting so many shields up. I think that it is ok to hurt and have those feelings of joy and anger and sadness.
Realistically, I know that could never change because you know people don't want to do that and that's as far as it would get. I think that ideally taking care of animals and children would be my next focus area. I would want to put in a certain screening in for having to work with children or animals because it really does take special people to do that. You can't have aggression with either and they both really do take a lot of patience. Kids are sent to schools with teachers that are only looking for what they think is an easy job and could really care less about each individual child. If they have a special need that is just too much time and energy to focus on one thing. Same goes for animals at shelters or where ever else there could be neglect. I just want every one to understand that these little guys take a lot of time and energy.
Animals and kids all have different personalities. You can't know what has happened at their homes. You can't know what kind of mental issues they have. You can't know the abuse and neglect that they have gone through. I mean I don't work in either of these professions but I this is what I feel.  


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