Q&A Monday- I wish

"I wish I knew these three things for sure..."
I wish that i knew what this question really means. I assume that it means from the past, i wish I knew this before it happened but it could also mean I wish I knew this for sure because it is troubling me.
I guess I will answer both tenses.
So when I was younger I wish that I knew to keep up the writing because that is something that I want to pursue in my life.
I wish that I knew that it is okay to be different and not really get upset by peoples opinions.
I wish that I knew that credit cards are not good and I should never touch one.

I wish I knew what it was like after death so I could get over that anxiety.
I wish I knew how technology worked so I could figure out how to use it. I feel dumb.
I wish I knew George Clooney. Cause yes and I love him and since I can't marry him I will accept being his best friend that lives with him and does everything with him.

Haha I'm using that George one because that was clever and it's true. Send him my way!


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