Q&A Monday-Skills

What are the top 5 skills you wish you had?
1. I wish I could learn foreign languages as easy as I learn new hobbies. It took me 45 minutes to learn to say my ABC's backwards fast and I can still do it to this day. When I drink to much, I say them backwards as fast as I can 3 times to bring myself back from that line that I am about to cross.
2. I want to learn how to use power tools without being a danger to myself and everyone around me. Eventually I will be able to do this but right now that is a big no-no.
3. I am working on this one and it truly is a struggle. I'm trying to learn how to accept a compliment. You know, sometimes I think that people compliment me but really they are just complimenting themselves and how they make me better so I pretty much avoid them. Now, I have made it to the point where if I am feeling myself and I get a compliment. I'm like thanks, I know I am hella sexy today.
4.I think that I need to have some life saving skills. I have always wanted to take like a CPR class just in case anything came up I would be able to do everything in my power to help. Just something that I have wanted to do since I was a teenager.
5.I wish I knew how to use a sewing machine better. I have used one twice in my life and I can hand stitch. Hand stitching is pretty easy. Using a machine with pointy thing bobbing up and down while your hands are down there is terrifying. I can thread the machine which is supposedly the hard part so I think I just need more time with the machine to get used to it.


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