Childhood memories

You ever have those moments that just hit you out of nowhere, that trigger something that you haven't thought about for years? When it happens to me it is completely in left field and it makes me wonder if anyone else remembers that particular memory too. Usually when I ask whomever was in the memory they mention tiny things that i had forgotten that brings the memory fully back to life.
My favorite childhood memory is one that I was talking to my youngest sister about. She and I are about a decade apart in age so it is interesting to find memories of when I was young that she can remember too.
I am a 90's kid through and through. I was born in 89 and got to fully experience the decade with all its glory. My sister was born at the end of the decade in 98. If you can remember that far back, you'll remember how huge the titanic movie was and everything that followed in merchandise.
We had a pool behind our house. It was an above ground pool and we all spent all of our time in it every summer until we moved.
After we saw the Titanic movie we used to pretend that we were aboard the ship and even went down with it. We ran around that pool climbing the ladder to make it to the top floor. In doing this we creating a whirlpool that made it difficult to climb the ladder up to the deck. Once we go the to top of the ship (made it to the deck because we were tired of running in circles) we would get in our life boats. Our life boats were the huge 30 gallon storage tote boxes and they would usually sink but if we were able to float all the way around the pool once then we survived the titanic. After that we were usually starved and would go to our "house" and "cook". Our house was an old building that we had dug under the walls (there was no floor, just posts that were concreted in the ground and built up) to get in. Now our mom and dad had a key and stored old tools and things that they didn't use much in this building. We would take food out and out it in the tool stands like it was our fridge. When we cooked it was us building a fire (the good Lord apparently looked over us a lot) and cooking already cooked meat on it. Like the chicken strips that you get when you eat out was our favorite to cook. Ah, good old smokey tasting chicken.
My least favorite memory is one where I thought it would be fun to test my rebellion. My mom used to work night shift and my grandpa would stay with us. Bless him. I decided one night that it would be fun to walk to walmart (we lived close to it and would walk everywhere during the day) just as something to do with my best friend. Well, my mom got to leave work early because there wasn't enough work and she took it so she could come home and relax. She came home and I wasn't there and it freaked my grandpa out because I sneaked out so he had no idea. So my sister said she knew where I was and told them that we had gone to walmart. My mom showed up and started screaming in the middle of everything. All the people turning to see what had happened and looking to see what was going on was the most embarrassing thing that could happen to me. She followed me out the door in to the parking lot screaming at me, I kept walking to the house after she told me to get in the car so she drove beside me screaming the whole way home. My best friend was begging me to get in the car and I could not imagine anything worse than getting in the car with her that angry.
I don't think I would want to change my life in any way because I think that stopped me from rebelling in a big way but this is not a memory I like to look back on and I'm hoping one day my family wont be able to remind me of it when I talk about dumb memories or wanting to do things that they don't agree with.


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