Most Vibrant Christmas Memory

I have 2 Christmas memories that really stick out. I have one from my childhood and it is only of this watercolor set that my younger sister got. We painted each other and got in tons of trouble. I got a sit and spin toy that was hard to use because I didn't have a lot of upper body strength ( I still don't). My Aunt and other family members sat down on it and showed us all how to use it and it was in that moment that I realized that grown ups get to have fun too.
My other is from my teenage years. My Grandma got me the heart of the ocean replica and I really treasured it. I thought that she must had really knew me because it was something that I didn't ask for but she got me. Definitely one of my favorite gifts. She asked me how I liked it and if it was a good gift and then she slipped and told me that Santa spent a lot of time looking for it. For all those out there that don't know me, let me explain why this was such a defining moment. I am a slow opener. I have always taken my time opening gifts because whomever wrapped it spent a lot of time doing it. I like looking at name tags and seeing the effort they put into the gift. I mean as an adult I'm like rip it open! Give it to me, I'll rip it. I understand now how exciting the gift is instead. But just knowing as a kid that she wrote from grandma and then claimed it was Santa flipped me and when it happened I knew that I wouldn't be able to say anything. I had to keep it as a secret so I wouldn't ruin Christmas for everyone.
I have one last one that deserves a mention. I can't remember anything  I got for Christmas but I remember how annoyed I was. I've mentioned that my mom worked 3rd shift in my teenage years and it's here that this story lives. My moms very best friend lived with us at this point in our lives and the roll that she took on was our second mom. She helped get us ready for school, helped get us to school, fixed dinners and lunches for us and all around loved us just as much as our mom did.
We did our traditions and we went to bed. A few hours later we were startled awake to loud thumping and screaming. They swing the doors open screaming that Santa had come and left a lot of things for us. Not a single one of us were excited to go downstairs and see what was left for us. We were all upset that it was 4 in the morning and we were scared awake.
Our moms told us after we all became adults that they had wrapped all night until 4 and didn't want to go to bed to be woken in 3 hours by us. They decided that they would go ahead and wake us up. This way we all could rest and go about our mornings however we wanted after wards.
These stand out the loudest in my memories. It's weird how they all bring different emotions to me.


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