Am I?

I think that I might be bi polar or manic or something of that effect. I have a terrible habit of getting extremely upset and letting it lash out and then crying about it.
Today my child came home and ate in my bed and sassed me back by saying how was I supposed to know, you never say anything. Ok, false number one and two I know for a damn fact that I have said something about it repeatedly because it bothers me so much. So I snap so hard and start yelling at him that he never listens and that if he did then he would have a better relationship with me and that I wouldn't spend so much time cleaning and that we would get more time together to do fun things.
So afterwards I cried. I cried hard. I kept having these thoughts of he's just a kid he will remember one day he already has so much that he is learning right now and he's just getting older and you should appreciate the moments that you have with him right now.

Ugh. Send help


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