Drive you crazy

I like to think that I am easy going and don't really get bothered by a whole lot but I wanted to leave a list of things that bother me.

  1. When people make arrangements and then decide that those arrangements are good anymore, so they change the agreement without your consent.
  2. Liars. Listen, I don't care if you think I will get mad or if I do actually get upset. Nothing compares to when I get lied to and have to build my trust back up.
  3. Food in the bed. Seriously, who can sleep like this.
  4. Loopies. I get so mad at my hair because I will spend 10 minutes flipped upside down brushing my hair into a ponytail or bun and as soon as I finish getting it put together there is always at least 2 loops popped up somewhere in there. 
  5. Typos. I think my mind goes too fast for my fingers and everything I type out gets littered with typos and what makes it worse is typing the same letter over and erasing it and then typing it again. There are some days that I can type a 0 instead of the o 46 times before I get it correct.
  6. My kid. Hes getting to the age where he wants to test the line. Why yes, that does include eating in the bed, where I sleep....he "forgot" though. 
  7. Sticky things. I will literally cry if I get sticky and can't wash it off immediately. I have no idea what is wrong with me.
  8. You know when you look at people just to look at them, examine them and figure out their emotions and they snap what at you? Yeah, that pisses me off. Like let me look at you. I'm sorry I'm not a computer screen.
  9. Laundry. That's on everyone's list though.
  10. The feeling of disappointment. Just the feeling is the worst and there is always someone in your life that will, time after time, no matter what, just disappoints you and tbh I think they like making you feel that disgusting feeling because it has no effect on them.
  11. Last minute things. Now, ask me 10 years ago and I lived last minute but as a mom I can not show up to anything less than 15 minutes early. I literally can not even when I force myself to be late. I have tried leaving last minute and I still get where I need to be early. I don't know how it works but I swear it happens every time. I embrace it now and have more fun with it.
I could honestly keep going but I have other things that I need to be doing and they will never get done if I allow myself to keep going with a list of things (lists are my most favorite thing to make.)


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