Marshmellow roasting sticks

Guys....Guess what!
It's marshmallow roasting season!! Nights of sitting around a bon fire and enjoying each others company is something that I look for year round. Nothing else compares to it.
I got theses new marshmallow roasting sticks to try and they are really wonderful. They are telescope style so they slide out about the length of my arm and if i had to guess a length then I would say that they stretch out about 2 feet. I think that is a really good length that way you don't have to get too close to the fire and end up hurting yourself but also far enough away that you can still see your marshmallow and won't end up burning it.
They fit comfortably in my hand and make it easy to use and they don't get heavy while you are using them to roast.
My favorite thing about this product is that it has this little wheel like piece that is connected to the roasting fork allowing you to slowly rotate that fork. This means that you are able to spin the roasting stick without moving your hand but also being able to evenly roast your marshmallows.


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