
Tears roll from her eyes and race towards her ears, daring to make the slow fall in as her mind ached. This was the third dream this week. When Henry passed the dreams were every night but eventually had gone away. Why were they back so suddenly?
Her fingers pinched her eyes and followed the trail of sadness to her ear, tracing the soft cartilage and pinched where she once wore earrings. She looked wide eyed to the ceiling.
"Lord, please continue to help me. I am not strong enough without you. I know that you wont give me more than I can handle but I feel weaker than ever before. Lay your hand on me Lord; Keep me close.
In Jesus name, Amen."
With that she rolled over to her side feeling relieved and smiled. She could feel the peace washing over her. The crickets finally had put her to sleep when she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her.\Her room was in complete darkness now. The only light that was permitted to enter cover the floor beneath the window. She gently raised from her side, scanning the room begging for it to be too dark for her to see anything.
Her face slams into the pillow, blanket pulled to her chin. She heard it again. It's walking up the stairs. She feels like a child hiding from the bogey man. She's an adult though and we all know the bogey man isn't real, right?
Her eyes grow wide as the door behind her creaks open, releasing a dim, unbroken light upon the wall. Silence is echoing in her ears. Rushing, drowning every thought that she had. She tried to force her eyes shut but they refuse to even blink.
The light isn't broken. Something opened the door and the light is still not creating any type of shadow- Her body feels paralyzed from this realization. Her eyes refusing to believe it. The only other deafening sound is the rushing in her ears.
Her body tenses as the bed shifts and weight is added causing it to creak. Her breathing becoming more rapid that she clenches her jaw hoping for a nightmare. The blankets lift from behind her and she feels a hand slide down her back resting along the middle of her spine.
Her mind is screaming, begging to call out and get away from whatever this might be. She can feel her fingers going numb. Is it better to test her chances and face what's in her bed or hold completely still the rest of the night?
Her body begins to quiver but she regains control, building courage to look. With one single quick jerk the blankets were off of her and she was already turned.
Looking back, giving a sleepy yawn and stretch was the stray cat they had taken in. She couldn't help but laugh at herself. Pulling the blankets back up over them, ready for bed again. She smiled and said a quick please continue to protect me and went to sleep.
Maybe she should had prayed for more than protection as the shadow figure appeared on her wall.


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