How to win my heart

 If you're curious how to win my heart, I'll give you a little step by step guide and we'll see what you can do with it.

  1. Be friendly and kind with me. I really gravitate towards people that go out of their way to be nice to me. I like when people are genuinely nice to me.
  2. Make me laugh. Life is meant to be enjoyed. It's over quicker than we know it. I like laughing over everything. My favorites are punny jokes though.
  3. Remind me how beautiful I am. I often forget or don't look to remind myself. I like being told that I am amazing and a wonderful gift. 
  4. Send me texts throughout the day. Sometimes I just like to know that you're thinking of me. Or what you're doing. How your day has gone. I just like to know that you have a moment of time for me. Just for me. 
  5. Quality time is my love language. So just sitting together being quite is one of my favorite things to do. I don't care what we do. Just spend your time with me. Make me feel important that you're giving up time to spend with me.


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