Love Letter 19

 To the boy that I could rely on, 

We met in a weird way, then you became the one guy I could rely on for the longest time. I've never had anyone stick up for me the way you did or make sure that I was taken care of like you did. You are wild but you really care about the people you are closest with.

I wish that your life hadn't been so rough for you growing up. Nobody should have to experience that in their lives. We never actually talked about all the stuff that you went through as a kid, but you could tell in your eyes that there was a whole other story you were holding back. There're always the rumors too.

We met when you cracked another guy's head into the desk at school. He ended up having to go to the nurse's office after that but from that moment you stuck by my side making sure that I was safe. You were always there watching over me at school and weren't afraid to stand up for me. 

We were pretty close and I'm not sure there were ever romantic feelings from either of us. I mean, we were young when we met so I'm sure they arose here and there, but we never made any kind of move on it. I can't tell you how many times that I was asked if we were dating just because you were seen carrying me over your shoulder down the hallways or chasing me somewhere. 

We grew up though, stopped hanging out for a while when I got in a serious relationship. You dated people along the way too, so we didn't keep in touch for a while. Then life threw us back together and we hung out all the time. I was still in my relationship, and you had a huge hatred for him. Y'all would come and pick me up and there was one time you almost jumped out of the car when you learned that he was rough with me.

I am forever grateful to have someone that showed me what it was to have someone willing to defend you until the very end. 

We haven't talked in a very long time now. You're happily married now and looks like you are living your best life. I just want you to know that I am glad that you were always there for me when I needed it. You always were willing to put in extra effort when it wasn't needed. I hope that you think back to me and remember me kindly. 


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