Love Letter 26

To the boy that lived down the street.

This is probably going to sound so crazy, but you were the one that I saw in real life show what love is supposed to look like. 
You dated my cousin back when we were kids. If you remember, I'm older by a couple years and I just thought y'all were the cutest couple I had ever seen. You held hands with her and wrote her notes. I remember you even got her valentines gifts. 
It really made me want more in my life by seeing you treat her the way all women should be treated. I was taught so much just by being a bystander. 
I want you to know that I think to you often because before you guys were ever a couple, we were friends. We played football together. We rode our bikes and rollerbladed. We did a lot of dumb things together and I still have some scars to prove it. 
There are times when I see certain trees and laugh because it takes me back to my front yard. Me climbing trees and you standing at the bottom because you couldn't climb trees, just waiting for me to come back down. All the conversations about school, sometimes with me still up in the tree. We talked until it was dark and you would run back home. 
You also showed me how a friend is supposed to have your back. 
I hope that your life is going well. I hope that you've done many good things. I kinda miss you and hope that one day we will be able to catch up again. 


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