Love Letter 48

To the man that gives me butterflies,

I've not met someone that I want to give my attention to like I do with you. 

I could kiss you for the rest of my life and still be hungry for it. I get lost staring in your eyes. I could watch you sit still and I would be content.  It makes me want more.

I enjoy talking to you and spending time with you. I like debating you over everything. 

I like telling you goodnight.

I like getting to know who you are.

I've never wanted to live more in the moment than I do when we spend time together. 

I really try to go and look into the things that you tell me you enjoy so I can relate a little more. I liked that podcast that you told me to listen to. Sometimes I wonder if I'm putting it more effort than needed. Of course, I remind myself of all the wonderful qualities that you have, and my worries disappear. You're worth the time, despite the outcome.

You know, I do try to make you feel special. I'm not sure what I could do to really make you feel seen. I hope that you do feel special sometimes. I love listening to your stories about how you became who you are. 

It's really refreshing when you want to see me. You greet me at the door and wrap me in a hug and kiss. You always make sure that I am comfortable. It gives me little butterflies to know that there are caring emotions for me. I mean, maybe it's not for me exclusively but it is still directed towards me. 

When we stay up late on the phone and you fall asleep, your little snores tickle me. It makes my heart happy that you are that comfortable with me. I get to give my little nighttime spiel. I tell you good night and wish you happy dreams. I remind you that well talk tomorrow or whenever you want so your mind doesn't think I'm just hanging up and you dream happy things.

It also means a lot that you look into the things that I like too. When you read my writings and ramblings that make no sense to you. When you ask about my past, and I'm sorry I didn't hold back that one night. You said, I don't want to talk about this with you and I realized I gave you too much information that you never really wanted. 

I know that I'll never be what you want but I hope in the meantime, I make you feel special. I give you the attention you deserve. I lift you up and remind you that you are one of a kind.

Thank you for being genuine and wonderful.

I'm really glad that I met you. 


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